Trailwork Party – March 14th
March 14 @ 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
Weekly Update: With the start of the spring trail work season last week’s crew completed the 75 foot long trail extension on the Candy Mountain summit and ran us out of rocks for the rock wall on the Sagebrush Trail along with fixing the fence in the Westgate parking lot.
Again this spring the trailmaster will have work parties every Thursday through Sunday starting at 8 and ending at noon. Our end date is when the soil dries out or the trailmaster gets tired, so some time around the middle of April.
Trailwork Plan: OK, for this week the trailmaster will have a collection of jobs and which one we work will depend on how many helpers there are. Adding rocks along the edge of the Candy Trail or widening the Skyline Trail or maybe placing some signs and a barricade or two. For all of these we will meet at the Trails Building by the Westgate Parking lot off of Dallas Road (west side of Badger) and then carpool to near the work.
The trailmaster will provide all the tools and even some homemade cookies at the mid-morning break. Volunteers need to bring work gloves, water, and snacks with a small pack to carry them, and dress for the weather forecast. There isn’t any work for preteens – it is hard to keep them motivated for 4 hours. Those 13 to 15 will have to be accompanied by a parent or guardian. You will need to sign-up so the trailmaster can plan the work, bake enough cookies and let you know if plans change. Please let the trailmaster know that you are coming by sending an email to trailmaster@friendsofbadger.org
Can’t make it this week? Well there will be work parties until mid-April. Pick a day and get a friend to come with you and let the trailmaster know you are coming.
Jim Langdon
Trailmaster, Friends of Badger Mountain
509-943-3992 (home-best) or 509-940-7234 (cell)
Jim Langdon