Trailwork Party – April 20th

Westgate Parking Lot 5305 East 210 PR NE, Richland, WA, United States

This week will be the end of the spring trail work season, it is getting really dry out there.  The trailmaster will have work parties on Thursday through Sunday like usual but the work and location will depend on how many volunteers the trailmaster have.  The trailmaster am not starting anything that the trailmaster can’t […]

Trailwork Party – April 21st

Westgate Parking Lot 5305 East 210 PR NE, Richland, WA, United States

This week will be the end of the spring trail work season, it is getting really dry out there.  The trailmaster will have work parties on Thursday through Sunday like usual but the work and location will depend on how many volunteers the trailmaster have.  The trailmaster am not starting anything that the trailmaster can’t […]

Tailwork Party – October 24

Candy Mountain Preserve Trailhead 71004 E 669 PR NE, Richland, WA, United States

The work is recovering gravel that has worked its way to the edge of the trail. We will use McLeods (rake/hoe thingy) and rakes. We first pull the gravel back on to the trail and then rake it smooth. The trailmaster will provide all the tools and even some homemade cookies at the mid-morning break. […]

Trailwork Party – October 25

Candy Mountain Preserve Trailhead 71004 E 669 PR NE, Richland, WA, United States

The work is recovering gravel that has worked its way to the edge of the trail. We will use McLeods (rake/hoe thingy) and rakes. We first pull the gravel back on to the trail and then rake it smooth. The trailmaster will provide all the tools and even some homemade cookies at the mid-morning break. […]

Trailwork Party – October 26

Candy Mountain Preserve Trailhead 71004 E 669 PR NE, Richland, WA, United States

The work is recovering gravel that has worked its way to the edge of the trail. We will use McLeods (rake/hoe thingy) and rakes. We first pull the gravel back on to the trail and then rake it smooth. The trailmaster will provide all the tools and even some homemade cookies at the mid-morning break. […]

Trailwork Party – October 27

Candy Mountain Preserve Trailhead 71004 E 669 PR NE, Richland, WA, United States

The work is recovering gravel that has worked its way to the edge of the trail. We will use McLeods (rake/hoe thingy) and rakes. We first pull the gravel back on to the trail and then rake it smooth. The trailmaster will provide all the tools and even some homemade cookies at the mid-morning break. […]

Trailwork Party – November 7th

Westgate Parking Lot 5305 East 210 PR NE, Richland, WA, United States

This week the trailmaster will be working on the east Skyline Trail, continuing to remove rocks, widen it out to 5 feet and then adding some new gravel.  A large group from Gesa already cleaned up about 700 feet of the trail this fall.  The actual work will be to remove rocks from the trail […]

Trailwork Party – November 8th

Westgate Parking Lot 5305 East 210 PR NE, Richland, WA, United States

This week the trailmaster will be working on the east Skyline Trail, continuing to remove rocks, widen it out to 5 feet and then adding some new gravel.  A large group from Gesa already cleaned up about 700 feet of the trail this fall.  The actual work will be to remove rocks from the trail […]

Trailwork Party – November 9th

Westgate Parking Lot 5305 East 210 PR NE, Richland, WA, United States

This week the trailmaster will be working on the east Skyline Trail, continuing to remove rocks, widen it out to 5 feet and then adding some new gravel.  A large group from Gesa already cleaned up about 700 feet of the trail this fall.  The actual work will be to remove rocks from the trail […]

Trailwork Party – November 10th

Westgate Parking Lot 5305 East 210 PR NE, Richland, WA, United States

This week the trailmaster will be working on the east Skyline Trail, continuing to remove rocks, widen it out to 5 feet and then adding some new gravel.  A large group from Gesa already cleaned up about 700 feet of the trail this fall.  The actual work will be to remove rocks from the trail […]