Candy Mountain Trail Work

Dallas Road Parking Lot 5214 Dallas Rd, Richland, WA, United States

The main focus of the week will be to gravel the prepared sections of the trail to keep the progress we've made before the cold weather settles in. The work involves loading the gravel hauler and raking out the gravel. Work parties will meet at the Westgate Parking Lot located just off Dallas Road at […]

Candy Mountain Trail Work

Dallas Road Parking Lot 5214 Dallas Rd, Richland, WA, United States

The main focus of the week will be to gravel the prepared sections of the trail to keep the progress we've made before the cold weather settles in. The work involves loading the gravel hauler and raking out the gravel. Work parties will meet at the Westgate Parking Lot located just off Dallas Road at […]

Candy Mountain Trail Work

Dallas Road Parking Lot 5214 Dallas Rd, Richland, WA, United States

The main focus of the week will be to gravel the prepared sections of the trail to keep the progress we've made before the cold weather settles in. The work involves loading the gravel hauler and raking out the gravel. Work parties will meet at the Westgate Parking Lot located just off Dallas Road at […]

Candy Mountain Trail Work

Dallas Road Parking Lot 5214 Dallas Rd, Richland, WA, United States

The main focus of the week will be to gravel the prepared sections of the trail to keep the progress we've made before the cold weather settles in. The work involves loading the gravel hauler and raking out the gravel. Work parties will meet at the Westgate Parking Lot located just off Dallas Road at […]

Candy Mountain Trail Work

Dallas Road Parking Lot 5214 Dallas Rd, Richland, WA, United States

The main focus of the week will be to gravel the prepared sections of the trail to keep the progress we've made before the cold weather settles in. The work involves loading the gravel hauler and raking out the gravel. Work parties will meet at the Westgate Parking Lot located just off Dallas Road at […]

Winter Solstice Hike

Westgate Parking Lot 5305 East 210 PR NE, Richland, WA, United States

If it's been a bit too dark and dreary for you, fear not. The winter solstice, the first day of winter, arrives on Wednesday, December 21, when the hours of daylight start to grow longer. Some of us plan to be on top of Badger Mountain to watch the sun set, at 4:14 PM, from […]

New Year’s Day Hike

Dallas Road Parking Lot 5214 Dallas Rd, Richland, WA, United States

Join I-MAC’s annual trek up Badger Mountain on New Year’s Day, a tradition over 60 years old.  Everyone is welcome to join the fun. The trip goes on regardless of the weather, so make sure that you dress appropriately.  Although the hike starts @ 10:30 am, if you come a little late (or a little […]

Annual Friends of Badger Mountain Celebration (RSVP Requested!)

RSVP and join us for our annual celebration Saturday, January 28th, from 5-7 PM at the Richland Community Center. Hors d'oeuvres, wine, friendship, appreciations, elections, exciting news and ... honoring special guests. RSVP is requested as space is limited. Contact and let her know how many you plan to bring.

Hiker Rally Day 2017 (Washington Trails Association)

Olympia, WA, United States

Without proper funding many of the trails Washington hikers love could be closed and neglected. Make your voice heard on this important issue. Each year, Washington Trails Association is in Olympia working with lawmakers to advance the interests of hikers. But we can’t do it alone. Decision-makers need to hear directly from hikers like you! […]

Sagebrush Planting Party

Future Candy Mountain Parking Lot 67208 E 669 PR NE, Richland, WA, United States

Friends of Badger Mountain and the Washington Native Plant Society will be planting sagebrush in a buffer area between the soon-to-be parking lot for the new Candy Mtn. trail and nearby houses. We only have 60 sagebrush to plant – if we get 10 people that’s just 6 plants a piece and then we’re done! […]