Plants and Wildlife

Badger and Candy Mountains feature a wide variety of wildlife, including the plants below. We are working on improving this section of our website. If you believe you have information or photos you can contribute, please contact our webmaster at

Flora & Fauna on Trails

Canyon Trail

The entire route is open dryland grasses and a few shrubs. In the spring, there are numerous wild flowers including balsam root, phlox, and wild mustard.

Sagebrush Trail

The trail starts out in open grasses before entering thick old sagebrush. Spring flowers include balsamroot and phlox.

Langdon Trail

Kestrels, nightjars, magpies, maybe a chukkar or quail, horned lark. Beetles, bull snakes, ground squirrel, coyote. Piper’s Daisy, Balsam Root, Giant and Purple Sage, Rabbit Brush, Yellow Bells (fritillaria), biscuitroot (lomatia), penstemon, lupine, buckwheats, phlox, winterfat and numerous others.

Skyline Trail

The trail travels through sagebrush at both ends transitioning to dryland native grasses in the middle. There are numerous balsamroot and some purple sagebrush in the spring.

Badger Flats Trail

The trail passes through native dryland grasses and sagebrush.

Candy Mountain Trails

The wildlife and plants on Candy Mountain are very similar to those found Badger Mountain. Birds you might see include kestrels, nightjars, magpies, chukkars, quail, and horned larks. Other animals are bull snakes, ground squirrels, coyote, lizards, and beetles. Plants include Piper’s Daisy, Balsam Root, Giant and Purple Sage, Rabbit Brush, Winterfat, Yellow Bells (fritillaria), Biscuitroot (lomatia), penstemon, lupine, buckwheats, phlox, and numerous others.

Flowers on Badger and Candy Mountains

bigseed biscuitroot
Bigseed biscuitroot, large fuited lomatium (Lomatium macrocarpum), blooms in spring
careys balsamroot
Carey’s balsomroot (Balsamorphiza careyana), blooms in late spring
Douglas' brodiaea
Douglas' brodiaea (Brodiaea douglasii)
Fiddleneck tarweed
Fiddleneck tarweed (Amsinckia lycopsoides), blooms April-May
Linear leaf daisy
Lindear leaf daisy (Erigeron linearis), blooms April-May
Long-leaf phlox
Long-leaf phlox (Phlox longifolia), blooms early spring
Nineleaf biscuitroot
Nineleaf biscuitroot (Lomatium triternatum), blooms early spring
Poper's daisy
Piper's daisy (Erigeron piperianus), blooms April-May
Prairie star
Prairie star (Lithophragma glabrum), blooms early spring
purple cushion fleabane
Hairy seed fleabane, purple cushion fleabane (Erigeron poliospermus), blooms April-May
Robinson's onion
Robinson's onion (Allium robinsonii), blooms April-May
Rosy balsamroot
Rosy balsamroot (Balsamorphiza rosea), blooms mid-spring
Sagebrush mariposa lily
Sagebrush mariposa lily (Calochortus macrocarpus), blooms late May-June
Shaggy fleabane
Shaggy daisy, shaggy fleabane (Erigeron pumilus), blooms April-May
Silky lupine
Silky lupine (Lupinus sericeus), blooms spring
Slender hawksbeard
Slender hawksbeard (Crepis atrabarba), blooms in May
Sprawling rattle-weed
Columbia milkvetch, sprawling rattle-weed, crouching locoweed (Astargalus succumbens), blooms late spring
Threadleaf phacelia
Threadleaf phacelia (Phacelia linearis), blooms April-May
Trumpet bluebells
Trumpet bluebells, small bluebells, long bluebells (Mertensia longiflora), blooms in early spring
Upland larkspur
Upland larkspur, twoloved larkspur (Delphinium nuttallii), blooms mid-spring
Pursh's milk-vetch, woolypod milkvetch (Astragalus purshii), blooms early spring
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium), blooms June-August
Yellowbells (Fritillaria pudica), blooms early spring

The plant photos are credited to Max Conner and Keith Abel

Controlling the Noxious Weeds

Our board member David Beach is leading noxious weed removal activities on Candy Mountain. This work is on-going and a continual effort to improve the environment on the mountain. If you would like more information on what’s being done and when volunteers might be needed click the contact button below.