Volunteer for Weeding

Your participation in removing noxious weeds is essential and has a significant impact on the local ecosystem of plants and animals in the preserves. By helping us remove these weeds, you are directly contributing to the protection and restoration of the natural habitat.

If you or a group you belong to is interested in joining a Weeding Crew day, contact Dave Beach (Weed Master). Dave leads weeding parties during the summer. Look at our calendar of upcoming events to catch a weekly opportunity.

Weeding Crew Dates

Currently Scheduled

There are no upcoming events.

Work To Expect?

  • Pulling and bagging Yellow Starthistle and Diffuse Knapweed
  • Clipping blooms and buds of Skeletonweed

Will Will I Need To Bring?

  • Strong gloves – leather is best!
  • Long sleeved shirts and long pants recommended for scratch and sun protection
  • Small pruning clippers recommended

Signups are required to ensure you’re trained to properly identify weeds, follow proper process to remove or prune them, and to plan the work.