Photo Gallery

We share photos of Badger Mountain, Candy Mountain, and the people who climb it, work on it, or just take pictures of it. There’s no particular rhyme or reason to the photos we have, they’re just a sampling of the ones we’ve collected over the years that are either pleasing, tell a story, or illustrate how people take to Badger Mt. And we’d love to have a few of yours, too, to add to the collection.

If you’d like to send us some of your photos, here are some general guidelines:

1) First, you must be the of the photos or have the rights to send them in, and by doing so, you are allowing us to use the photos on the rare occasions when we need a photo for our Web site or in slide shows, brochures, posters, or other public displays.

2)  Attach your JPEG photo files to an e-mail and send to

3)  In the e-mail, please include your name, the date the photos were taken, a brief description of the scenes (unless there’s something specific you want to point out). If you’d rather not have your name associated with the photos, well, how about our using just your first name? Let us know.

4)  If you’re skilled at dealing with digital photos, you could reduce the image size of each photo to 1000 pixels wide for landscape orientation, or 600 wide for portrait. Please be picky choosing the ones to send, as we normally post just a few from any given outing.

5)  If you’re not a digital photo maven, you can send full-sized images and we’ll reduce their size, no problem. But please send just a few so as not to bog down the e-mail. Finally, if you’re not sure about any of this discussion, send just one photo and we’ll write back as to how to proceed. The main thing is. . . .