Volunteer for Us

Friends of Badger Mountain works to maintain the trails spanning Badger and Candy Mountains, protect and improve the environment of both peaks, in addition to informing the public about the environmental characteristics of the peaks. These efforts are entirely completed by volunteers with guidance from our organization.

Check out the list below for our current needs. If you have additional ideas, please email info@friendsofbadger.org

Noxious Weed Control

We lead the effort to control noxious weeds in the Candy Mountain Preserve. The work is done with help from volunteers, the Columbia Basin Native Plant Society, and Benton County Noxious Weed Control Board (Weed Board).

Our volunteers have put in over 300 hours pulling and bagging noxious weeds across the preserve. When necessary, spraying of larger infestations occurs with coordination of the Weed Board. Informational guidance is provided by the Columbia Basin Native Plant Society. The weeds targeted are Yellow Starthistle, Rush Skeletonweed, Diffuse Knapweed, Russian Thistle (tumbleweed), and Tackweed (goathead).

If you’re interesting in volunteering, reach out to David Beach at davidbeach47@gmail.com.

Seasonal Trailwork

Ever wonder how the 10+ miles of trail on Candy and Badger stay in good shape? It’s thanks to volunteers completing work planned out by our trailmaster, Jim Langdon.

Every spring and fall, our trailmaster leads regular work parties on the peaks, completing trail maintenance and improvements. The work ranges from raking gravel back on to the trails, to removing weeds and general tread repair.

We’re always in need of new volunteers. If you’re interested, contact Jim by email at Trailmaster@friendsofbadger.org and let him know. Mention “add me to your trail work list” so you’ll always know when the next work party is coming up.

People installing rocks along the edge of the Sagebrush Trail

Community Outreach

Are you knowledgeable about the flowers, plants, animals and other elements that make up our native ecosystem? Or the ways people can preserve and nurture it? Would you like to learn about this amazing treasure in our midst? Or help the next generation take care of it!

We are looking for people who can lead or assist with wildflower walks and, also, do presentations to classes or tables at school science fairs.

Our commitment to you: 1. Training (wildflower walks, etc) with local experts, if desired; 2. PowerPoints ready to go, yet with room for your input; 3. One-two events a year, generally in the spring, as either leader or assistant or, in the beginning, learner.

Contact info@friendsofbadger.org to find out more.
