Volunteer with Friends of Badger Mountain

Volunteer for Trailwork

Every spring and fall, our trailmaster leads regular work parties on the peaks, completing trail maintenance and improvements. The work ranges from raking gravel back on to the trails, to removing weeds and general tread repair.

If you’re interested in volunteering, contact Jim by email at [email protected] and let him know. Mention “add me to your trail work list” so you’ll always know when the next work party is coming up.

Volunteer for Weeding Crews

Your participation in removing noxious weeds is essential and has a significant impact on the local ecosystem of plants and animals in the preserves. By helping us remove these weeds, you are directly contributing to the protection and restoration of the natural habitat.

If you or a group you belong to is interested in joining a Weeding Crew day, contact Dave Beach (Weed Master). Dave leads weeding parties every Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, June thru August. Look at our calendar of upcoming events to catch a weekly opportunity.

Latest from Friends of Badger Mountain

Little Badger Mountain Preserve

Little Badger Mountain is the next stage in our vision for a system of trails connecting four of our local ridges (Little Badger, Badger, Candy & Red). We’ve partnered with the City of Richland on this project.

Become a FOBM Member

Becoming a member of FOBM gives you the opportunity to have your voice heard on trail-building, maintenance, our other ongoing matters of interest. You’ll also receive our quarterly e-Newsletter, invitation to our annual celebration and membership meeting, plus elect our board of directors.

Candy Mountain Interpretive Loop

Friends of Badger Mountain, in partnership with the local chapter of the Native Plant Society, Ice Age Floods Institute, and Benton County, have established an Interpretive Loop Trail in the saddle. The loop trail is 1.2 miles long (round trip) starting from the parking lot and has very little elevation gain. The trail features signage pointing out native plants. See the below page for more information.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Trailwork

There are no upcoming events.

Upcoming Weeding Crews

There are no upcoming events.